Tale of India.
In ancient times the heavens is a place where the angel who berparas beautiful and the gods lived. Is an angel who has the most beautiful face named Dewi repercussion. As the name implies, in addition to be
One is the angel who hated wife is a teacher Bethara king angels and gods. The reason is obvious Bethara Teachers love goddess repercussion. Every day for hours BETARA Teachers spend his time in the garden sari just to hear and see the goddess echo singing and dancing with her friends.
Teachers BETARA not only interested in the Goddess of repercussion. Other gods also had a lot to offer his love, but always rejected by him gently. "I still do not understand the problems of love," she says always. "I still want to spend the time with friends without the burden."
But the term Guru BETARA not believe in the innocence Goddess repercussion. According to Dewi resonance only pretending innocence to attract the hearts of the demand. Day to day aversion to Goddess greater resonance, until the evil arose in his heart. "I'll kucelakakan him," she thought.
Various ways to do mencelakankan Goddess resonance, but the effort failed because the Goddess of repercussion always helped by his friends. Until the day when Goddess ssuatu resonance bathing in the lake alone, the wife of Guru BETARA over.
"O Goddess repercussion! You're an angel lowly! Bisamu only teasing another woman's husband, "she said.
"O Goddess, what the hell the emperor scolded me? What's wrong? "Asked the Goddess of repercussion.
"Oh, do not pretend innocence. Did not you deliberately tempting the gods with beauty and your voice? Until my husband was crazy to you! "He snapped. "I'm not going to spend my energy to fight with you. Goddess repercussion, I do not like your voice is seductive, so from now on, I curse you! You will no longer be able to speak let alone sing. You can only mimic one last word that sounds in your ears! "
The thunder hit after releasing Teachers BETARA wife curse. Goddess repercussion wanted to shout to defend himself, but no sound came from her lips. He knew that the curse that has happened. Goddess repercussion very sad, but what the wife is a teacher BETARA a very powerful goddess. No one could help him remove the curse.
Since then the goddess echo always hiding. He was ashamed and afraid of the situation. Finally one night left the celestial goddess resonance and down to earth. Repercussion on the earth goddess hiding in a steep mountain. He thought no one would come to a place like that. But one morning he found a very handsome young man lying unconscious in the bottom of the ravine. Repercussion Goddess of compassion to help her until he regained consciousness. The young man was surprised to see a very pretty girl in front of him.
"Hey, who are you?" Asked the youth.
The young man was surprised because she was not answering his mouth shut even close.
"Do not be afraid!" Said the youth. "I just want to thank you."
The fear of repercussion goddess voice imitating the boy, ran away leaving the young man who was surprised to see attitude. With some difficulty the young man trying to catch Goddess repercussion.
"Wait!" Said the youth.
"Tungguuuu ... .." said Dewi resonance mimicked his voice.
"Wait a Goddess!"
"Dewiiii ...." He said.
Goddess repercussion run faster and faster until he could not catch up. Since then the goddess repercussion never showed up. We know only exists if we shout in the mountains. If we have to shout to imitate or reverberate, meaning there are repercussion Goddess.
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