Six Soldiers
By Brothers Grimm
At one time there was a great guy, he has devoted himself to the country in war, and have tremendous courage, but eventually he was fired without any reason and only have 3 coins as treasure.
"I will not stand to see this," he said; "wait until I find the right person to help me, and the king must give all the wealth of the country before my problem with him is complete."
Then, with great anger, he went into the woods, and saw a man standing there, pulling a half-dozen trees as if the tree is the corn stalks. And he said to the man,
"Would you be my guy, and come with me?"
"Well," replied the man; "I have to bring home some wood is first house my mother and father." And take one by one tree, and combines this with 5 other trees and carrying it over his shoulder, he then went away; soon after he came back, he then joined together with his boss, who said,
"Together we can face the whole world."
And not long they walked, they met a hunter who was kneeling on one knee and carefully aimed his rifle.
"Hunter," said the leader, "what are you aiming?"
"Two miles from here," he said, "there is a fly that landed on the Oak tree, I intend to shoot the left eye of the fly."
"Oh, come with me," said the leader, "The three of us could face the whole world"
The hunter is desperate to go with him, so they all left together until they found seven windmills, whose blades spin fast the screen, although there is no wind blowing from any direction, and no leaf moved.
"Well," said the leader, "I can not think what moves windmill, spinning without wind;" and when they walked about two miles ahead, they met someone who was sitting on a tree, was closing one nostril and blowing his breath through one nostril.
"Now," said the leader, "What are you doing over there?"
"Two miles from here," the man replied, "there are seven windmills; I blew it until they can spin."
"Oh, come with me," pleaded the Leader, "four of us could face the whole world."
So the blower down and go with them, and after a while, they met a man who stood on top of one foot, and the other leg is removed, lay not far away.
"You seen to have a unique way the rest," said the leader to the man.
"I was a sprinter," he said, "and to keep me not to move too fast I've removed a foot of me, If I use my legs, I will be much faster than the birds that fly."
"Oh, come with me," said the leader, "the five of us could face the whole world."
So they finally set out with, and not long after, they met with someone who wore a small hat, and he wore just the right just above one ear.
"Be true! Act is right!" said the leader; "with a hat like that, you look like a fool."
"I do not dare wear this hat with a straight," he replied, "If I wear it straight, there will be a blizzard and all the birds that fly will freeze and fall dead from the sky to the ground."
Oh, come with me, "said the leader;" The six of us could face the whole world. "
So the six people who come out with until they reach the city where the king who caused his suffering would start the game where anyone who so winners will be married to her daughter, but whoever loses will be killed as punishment. Then the leaders go ahead and say that one of the people to represent themselves in the game.
"Then," said the king, "his life at stake, and if he fails, he and you should be put to death."
When the leaders had agreed, he called the runner, and a second pair of legs of the sprinters.
"Now, look well," he said, "and we strive to win."
Agreed that the first anyone could bring back water from distant streams and has determined it will be considered the winner. Now the king's daughter and the runner each took a jug of water, and they started running at the same time, but in an instant, when the princess is running some distance, the runner was out of sight as he ran like the wind. In an instant he had reached the river, kendinya fill with water and ran home again. Amid the way home, he began to feel tired, and stopped, put kendinya floor and lay on the ground to sleep. To be able to wake up immediately and not fallen asleep, he took a horse skull which was lying nearby and use it as a pillow. Meanwhile, the king's daughter, who is also a good runner and good enough to beat an ordinary person, has reached the river, too, kendinya fill with water, and accelerate the return flight, when he saw the runner who had fallen asleep in the middle of the road.
"Today is mine," he said happily, and he emptied and the waste water from the pitcher and the runner ran home. Now almost everything has gone but the hunter who is also standing on the castle walls, with sharp eyes can see everything that happened.
"We must not lose the princess," she said, and he filled his rifle, began to aim carefully and shoot the horse's skull which is used as a pillow under the head of the runner without hurting the sprinters. The runner up and jumped up, and saw the empty kendinya banya and princesses have far to run back to where the game started. Without losing courage, he ran back into the creek, filled with water kendinya back, and for that, he managed to run back again 10 minutes before the princess arrived.
"Look," he said; "This is my first time really using my legs to run"
King became annoyed, and her daughter more upset again, because he had been defeated by regular soldiers who had been sacked; Eden, they both agreed to remove the soldier and his family together.
"I have a plan," replied the King; "do not be afraid but we have to silence them forever." Then they met the soldiers and followers, inviting them to eat and drink, and the king led them into a room, the floor is made of steel, the door is also made of iron, and the windows have metal frames; in the room there is a a table full of food.
"Now go in and make yourself as comfortable as possible," said the King.
When the soldiers and followers of all inside, he locked the door from the outside. He then summoned the cook, and told him to make a very big fire under the room until the floor becomes very hot iron. And these cooks did what was ordered by the King, and six people inside began to feel the room get hot, but thought that it was because the food they eat, along with the increasing temperature hot room, mreka aware that doors and windows locked tight, their aware of the king's evil plan to kill them.
"After all, he will never succeed," said the man with the little hat; "I will bring snow storm that will make a fire to feel ashamed of himself and crawled away."
He then put his hat on his head straight, and as quickly blizzard came and made all the hot air to be lost and the food to be frozen on the table. After an hour or two passed, Raya thought that they had been killed by the heat, and ordered to reopen the door of the room, and went into to check on them. When the door wide open, they found six of them survived and seemed ready to come out to warm up because the room was too cold and cause food on the table to be frozen. With full fury, the king went to the cook, chided and asked the cook why not do what they're told.
"The room was quite hot; you may be able to see for yourself," said the cook. The King was looking down the iron room and saw fire burning underneath, and began to think that the sixth person can not be removed that way. He began thinking about a new plan, so he called soldiers who became the leader and said to him,
"If you do not want to marry my daughter and select properties of gold, you can take as many as you want."
"Well, my lord the king," replied the leader; "let me take as much gold that can be carried by the retainers, and I'm not going to marry your daughter." King agreed that the leader will come in two weeks to take the promised gold. The leaders called all the tailors in the kingdom and told them to make a huge sack in two weeks. And when the sack was ready, the strong (who found the tree removed and binding) the sacks on his shoulders and faced the King.
"Who was the man who brought home a bundle on his shoulder for this?" cried the king, terrified at the thought of the amount of gold that can be taken away. And a ton of gold is usually hauled by 16 men strong, only the hip in the shoulder with one hand.
"Why do not you bring more? Gold is only covering the basic of this bag!" So the king ordered to slowly fill it with all his wealth, and even then, the bag is not filled half full.
"Take some more!" cried the Strong; "this wealth does not mean anything!" Then finally the 7000 train loaded with gold collected from the whole empire ended in the sack.
"It seems not too full," he said, "but I'll take what I can take it." although in these bags still available empty space.
"I must end now," he said; "If not full, it seems much easier to tie." And the strong man and then raise the bag and left dipunggungnya go along with his friends.
When the King saw all the riches of kerajaanya carried by only one person, he was very angry, and he ordered his troops to pursue the six men and seized the bag back from the Strong.
Two cavalry could pursue them immediately, ordered the six men to surrender and become prisoners, and returned back to the treasure sack or killed.
"Being a prisoner, you say?" said the man who could blow, "perhaps you need to dance in the air together," and the closing one nostril and breathe through the other hole, the troops flying over the mountain. But the commander who had nine wounds and is a brave man, begged them not humiliated. The blower then slowly lower it and ordered them to report to the King that any troops sent right to pursue them, will suffer the same fate with these forces. And when the king got the message, saying,
"Let them alone: they have the right to property." So the six men were brought home their wealth, share it and live happy until the end of their life.
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